Schema for DevOps data
If your organization has integrated your DevOps tools to Jira, you can access your DevOps data in Atlassian Analytics. Discover Atlassian’s available DevOps integrations.
These tables will only be available for Atlassian Data Lake connections that include Jira data.
Columns with an asterisk (*) are only available when you include all data for your products in a Data Lake connection. Learn more about how to set the scope of data for Atlassian Data Lake connections.
Tables for branch data
There are several tables for branch data:
Branch association mapping
Branch last commit file
The devops_branch
table contains the latest information about each branch.
Branch ID
The unique identifier of the branch. Use this as the primary key for branch data.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Branch reference*
An internal identifier for the branch, which may be useful for debugging purposes.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Last commit authored by
The unique identifier of the person who authored the most recent commit in the branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Last commit committed at
The date and time (UTC) when the most recent commit against this branch was committed.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Last commit file count
The number of files impacted by the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Last commit flags*
The set of flags related to the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type | Array of strings |
Last commit message*
The message included with the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Last commit name*
The display name of the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Last commit reference*
The identifier of the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type |
Last commit URL*
The URL associated with the most recent commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The name of the branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Repository ID
The URL of the provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC) when the branch was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The URL of the branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Branch association mapping
The devops_branch_association_mapping
table holds associations between branches and issues.
Branch ID
The unique identifier of a branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Issue ID
The unique identifier of an issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type of the associated object.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Branch last commit file
The devops_branch_last_commit_file
table lists information about the files impacted by the latest commit in the branch. It will only hold information for up to 10 files per branch.
Branch ID
The unique identifier of the branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Branch reference*
The identifier of the branch given by the provider. It would be unique per provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Change type*
The type of change made to the file.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
File path*
The path of the file in the repository.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
File URL*
The URL of the file.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Lines added
The number of lines added to the file.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Lines removed
The number of lines removed from the file.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Tables for build data
There are several tables for build data:
Build association mapping
Build history
Build history reference
Build reference
The devops_build
table contains the latest information about each build.
Build ID
The unique identifier of the build. Use this as the primary key for build data.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Build number*
The order in which the build was triggered.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
An optional description attached to the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Failed tests
The number of tests that failed during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Provides more information about the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The name of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Passed tests
The number of tests that passed during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Pipeline reference*
A pipeline that relates a sequence of builds. Depending on the use case, this might be a project ID, pipeline ID, plan key, or some other logical unit used to group a sequence of builds.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Skipped tests
The number of tests that skipped during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
The status of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Total tests
The total number of tests considered during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the build was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The URL of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Build association mapping
The devops_build_association_mapping
table holds associations between builds and issues.
Build ID
The unique identifier of a build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Issue ID
The unique identifier of an issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type of the associated object.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Build history
The devops_build_history
table holds associations between all previous versions and the latest version of builds.
Build history ID
The unique identifier of the build history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Build ID
The unique identifier of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
An optional description attached to the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Failed tests
The number of tests that failed during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Provides more information about the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The name of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Passed tests
The number of tests that passed during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Skipped tests
The number of tests that skipped during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
The status of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Total tests
The total number of tests considered during the build.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the build was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The URL of the build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Build history reference
The devops_build_history_reference
table holds historical information that links a build to a commit, branch, and so on.
Build history ID
The unique identifier of the build history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Commit reference
A reference to a commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Commit repository URI*
The URI of the commit repository.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline reference*
A reference to the pipeline that relates to this sequence of builds.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Build reference
The devops_build_reference
table holds the latest information that links a build to a commit, branch, and so on.
Build ID
The unique identifier of a build.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Commit reference
A reference to a commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Commit repository URI*
The URI of the commit repository.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline reference*
A reference to the pipeline that relates to this sequence of builds.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Tables for commit data
There are several tables for commit data:
Commit association mapping
Commit file
The devops_commit
table describes each code commit received via toolchain integrations (for example, Bitbucket or GitHub).
Authored by
The unique identifier of the Atlassian account who authored the commit, if it exists.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Commit file count*
The number of files affected by the commit.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Commit flags*
The set of flags related to this commit. The current possible value is MERGE_COMMIT.
SQL name |
Data type | Array of strings |
Commit ID
The unique identifier of the commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Commit message*
The message added to the commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Commit name*
The short hash of the commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | s93H0Xm |
Commit reference*
Arbitrary reference sent by the provider to inidicate relationships between commits and other DevOps entities.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Commit URL*
The URL that references the commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Committed at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the commit was committed.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Repository ID
The unique identifier of the repository from which the commit was sourced.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occured later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the commit was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Commit association mapping
The devops_commit_association_mapping
table contains all associations between code commits and other entities.
Commit ID
The unique identifier of the associated commit.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Issue ID
The unique identifier of the associated issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type indicator for the type of association represented by the record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | ati:cloud:jira:issue |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Commit file
The devops_commit_file
table contains information about the files affected by the commit, as they’re received from toolchain integrations (for example, Bitbucket or Github).
Change type*
Type of change made to the file.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Commit ID
The unique identifier of the commit associated with the file.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to the |
File path*
The path of the file, from the base of the repository.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | /example/ |
File URL*
The URL of the file.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | |
Lines added
Number of lines being added.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Lines removed
Number of lines being removed.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Tables for deployment data
There are several tables for deployment data:
Deployment association mapping
Deployment history
The devops_deployment
table contains the latest software deployment information received from toolchain integrations (for example, Bitbucket or Github).
A list of commands to be actioned by the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | Array of strings |
Deployment ID
The unique identifier of the deployment. Use this as the primary key for deployment data.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Deployment sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of deployments. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occured later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
The description of the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment name*
The name of the deployment environment as sent by provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | Staging — US East |
Environment reference*
Reference to the deployment environment as sent by the provider to track relationships for that environment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | stg-us-east-015 |
Environment type*
The type of the environment that the deployment was made into.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
A label, or tag, associated with the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The name of the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline name*
The name of the build pipeline that triggered the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline reference*
Arbitrary reference sent by the provider that indicates the build pipeline that created the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline URL*
A URL to the build pipeline that created the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The deployment state associated with the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occured later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the deployment was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
A URL to an artifact representing the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Deployment association mapping
The devops_deployment_association_mapping
table holds associations between the latest version of software deployments and other entities.
Deployment ID
The unique identifier of the associated deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Issue ID
The unique identifier of the associated issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type indicator for the type of association represented by the record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Deployment history
The devops_deployment_history
table holds associations between all previous versions and the latest version of software deployments and other entities.
A list of commands to be actioned by the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | Array of strings |
Deployment history ID
The unique identifier of the deployment history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Deployment ID
The unique identifier of the deployment associated with the record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Deployment sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of deployments. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occured later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
The description of the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment name*
The name of the deployment environment as sent by provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values | Staging — US East |
A label, or tag, associated with the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The name of the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline name*
The name of the build pipeline that triggered the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pipeline reference*
Arbitrary reference sent by the provider that indicates the build pipeline that created the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The deployment state associated with the deployment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the deployment was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Tables for feature flag data
There are several tables for feature flag data:
Feature flag
Feature flag association mapping
Feature flag details
Feature flag history
Feature flag history details
Feature flag
The devops_feature_flag
table contains the latest information about each feature flag.
Default value*
The value served by the feature flag when it’s disabled. It could be an actual value or an alias.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Feature flag ID
The unique identifier of the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Is enabled*
Specifies whether the feature flag is turned on or off.
SQL name |
Data type | Boolean |
The human-readable name for the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Summary rollout percentage*
The rollout percentage of the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Summary rollout rules*
The number of active rules for the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Summary rollout text*
A text status to display that represents the rollout.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Summary updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the summary was last updated. Providers decide where they supply this timestamp from. For example, they may choose to supply the timestamp from a specific environment or the 'most recent' last-updated timestamp across all environments.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Summary URL*
The URL that links to a summary view of the feature flag, if appropriate.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the feature flag was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Feature flag association mapping
The devops_feature_flag_association_mapping
table holds associations between feature flags and issues.
Feature flag ID
The unique identifier of a feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Issue ID
The unique identifier of an issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type indicator for the type of association represented by the record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Feature flag details
The devops_feature_flag_details
Default value*
The value served by the feature flag when it’s disabled. It could be an actual value or an alias.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment name*
The name of the environment where the feature flag has been deployed.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment type*
The type of environment that the environment belongs to.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Feature flag ID
The unique identifier of the feature flag associated with these details.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Is enabled*
Specifies whether or not the feature flag is enabled in the given environment (or in summary).
SQL name |
Data type | Boolean |
Rollout percentage*
The rollout percentage of the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Rollout rules*
The number of active rules for the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Rollout text*
A text status to display that represents the rollout.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the feature flag was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The URL of the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Feature flag history
The devops_feature_flag_history
table holds associations between all previous versions and the latest version of feature flags.
Default value*
The value served by the feature flag when it’s disabled. It could be an actual value or an alias.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Feature flag history ID
The unique identifier of the feature flag history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Feature flag ID
The unique identifier of the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Feature flag key*
The identifier that developers use to reference the feature flag in their source code.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Feature flag reference*
The identifier for the feature flag, which must be unique for a given provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Is enabled*
Specifies whether the feature flag is turned on or off.
SQL name |
Data type | Boolean |
The human-readable name for the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Summary rollout percentage*
The rollout percentage of the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Summary rollout rules*
The number of active rules for the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Summary rollout text*
A text status to display that represents the rollout.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Summary updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the summary was last updated. Providers decide where they supply this timestamp from. For example, they may choose to supply the timestamp from a specific environment or the 'most recent' last-updated timestamp across all environments.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Summary URL*
The URL that links to a summary view of the feature flag, if appropriate.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the feature flag was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Feature flag history details
The devops_feature_flag_history_details
table holds historical additional information for each feature flag.
Default value*
The value served by the feature flag when it’s disabled. It could be an actual value or an alias.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment name*
The name of the environment where the feature flag is enabled
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Environment type*
The type of environment that the environment belongs to.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Feature flag history ID
The unique identifier of the feature flag history record associated with these details.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Is enabled*
Specifies whether or not the feature flag is enabled in the given environment (or in summary).
SQL name |
Data type | Boolean |
Rollout percentage*
The rollout percentage of the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Rollout rules*
The number of active rules for the feature flag in the environment.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Rollout text*
A text status to display that represents the rollout.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Updated at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the feature flag was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The URL of the feature flag.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Tables for pull request data
There are several tables for pull request data:
Pull request
Pull request association mapping
Pull request history
Pull request history reviewer
Pull request reviewer
Pull request
The devops_pull_request
table contains the latest information about each pull request.
Approved count
The number of approvals on the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Authored by
The unique identifier of the pull request author.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Closed at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the pull request was closed.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Comment count
The number of comments made on the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Cycle time (seconds)
The amount of time in seconds taken from the time the pull request was created to when it was merged or closed.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Destination branch name*
The name of the destination branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Destination branch URL*
The URL of the destination branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Display reference*
A short ID for the pull request, which is displayed in Jira.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Max row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Opened at
The date and time (UTC time zone) when the pull request was opened.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Pull request ID
The unique identifier of the pull request. Use this as the primary key for pull request data.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pull request reference*
The identifier of the pull request provided by the provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Repository ID
The unique identifier of the provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Reviewer count
The number of reviewers on the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Max row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Source branch name*
The name of the source branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Source branch URL*
The URL of the source branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The status of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
The title of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UC time zone) when the pull request was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The URL of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Pull request association mapping
The devops_pull_request_association_mapping
table holds associations between pull requests and issues.
Issue ID
The unique identifier of an issue.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Pull request ID
The unique identifier of a pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The type indicator for the type of association represented by the record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Pull request history
The devops_pull_request_history
table holds the historical information of pull requests.
Authored by
The unique identifier of the pull request author.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Comment count
The number of comments made on the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Destination branch name*
The name of the destination branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Destination branch URL*
The URL of the destination branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Display reference*
A short ID for the pull request, which is displayed in Jira.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pull request history ID
The unique identifier of the pull request history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pull request ID
The unique identifier of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Pull request reference*
The identifier of the pull request provided by the provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Repository ID
The unique identifier of the provider.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Source branch name*
The name of the source branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Source branch URL*
The URL of the source branch.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
The status of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
The title of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Update sequence number*
A number sent by the provider to indicate the order of an event. A record with a larger number is assumed to have occurred later than those with smaller numbers.
SQL name |
Data type | Number |
Updated at
The date and time (UC time zone) when the pull request was last updated.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
The URL of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Pull request history reviewer
The devops_pull_request_history_reviewer
table holds historical information about a pull request’s reviewers and their approval statuses.
Approval status*
The approval status given by the reviewer.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Pull request history ID
The unique identifier of the pull request history record.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Reviewed by
The unique identifier of the pull request reviewer.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Pull request reviewer
The devops_pull_request_reviewer
table contains information about a pull request’s reviewers and their approval statuses.
Approval status*
The approval status given by the reviewer.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Example values |
Pull request ID
The unique identifier of the pull request.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Reviewed by
The unique identifier of the pull request reviewer.
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
Row refreshed at
The last refresh time (UTC time zone) for this record.
SQL name |
Data type | Datetime |
Workspace ID
An Atlassian identifier that maps data to a site in the workspace
SQL name |
Data type | String |
Foreign key | Links to a record in the |
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