Create an access token for a project

Access tokens for a project are a premium feature. To learn about the Bitbucket Cloud Premium plan, visit: Bitbucket Cloud Premium.

Access tokens for a project are single-purpose access tokens (or passwords) with access to a single project with limited permissions (specified at creation time). Use tokens for tasks such as scripting, CI/CD tools, and testing Bitbucket integrations or Marketplace apps while in development.

Access token expiry

If your workspace admin requires access tokens to have an expiry date within a certain date range, you will not be able to create an access token with no expiry date and will need to set an expiry date within the date range set by the workspace admin.

To create an access token for a project:

  1. At, navigate to the target project for the access token. This project is the only one that the access token can access.

  2. On the sidebar, select Project settings.

  3. On the sidebar, under Security, select Access tokens.

  4. Select Create access token.

  5. Give the access token a name, usually related to the app or task that will use the token.

  6. Under Expiry, select No expiry to not set an expiration date, or select Expires on and then select the date picker to set a specific date for your access token to expire. Note: If a workspace admin requires tokens to have an expiry date, the No expiry option will not be available. Also, you will only be able to set an expiration date within the expiry date range set by the workspace admin, for instance, if they make the expiry date range 180 days, then you will need to set an expiry date within that 180-day date range.

  7. Select the permissions the access token for the project needs. For detailed descriptions of each permission, see Project-level access token permissions.

  8. Select the Create button. The page will display the Access token created dialog.

  9. Copy the generated token and either record or paste it into the app that requires access. The token is only displayed once and can't be retrieved later. Rather than recovering or reusing an access token for a project, create a new token and consider revoking the old token.


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