Import a repository
If you've got files to add that have never been part of a repository, see Add unversioned code to a repository.
To get your existing code into Bitbucket Cloud quickly from another hosting site or system, Bitbucket provides an importer to grab a repository. This importer works if you have your code in CodePlex, GitHub, Google Code, SourceForge, Subversion, or another Git-based hosting site. However, if your hosting site doesn't fall into one of these sources or you don't have a URL to enter, you must convert your code to Git.
Select Create > select Repository from the dropdown menu.
Click Import repository from the Create a new repository page.
Select the Source of the code you want to import.
Depending on the Source, the system asks you to provide the following information:
CodePlex: URL, Project name, Repository type
SourceForge: URL, Project name, Repository type
Git: URL, Username/Password combination for private repositories that Require authorization
Note: If your organization has configured a personal access token to retrieve the repository via your Git client or the command line, then you may need to use it in lieu of your username/password within the Bitbucket importer.
Enter a Name for your new repository.
Uncheck This is a private repository if you want the repository to be public.
Select the Repository type.
Expand Advanced settings and fill out the rest of the page if necessary.
Press Import repository.
Once the repository’s imported, you can get to work on your local system by cloning your repository.
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