Create a custom space overview template

Confluence administrators can edit the template that is used to create the overview page in new spaces. There is a different template for general spaces, personal spaces, and space blueprints.

Any changes to the space overview templates will only appear in new spaces (those that are created after editing the content). They will not affect existing overviews.

Edit the space overview template

To edit the (blank) space overview template:

  1. If you aren’t already there, go to your Confluence Cloud instance.

  2. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration.

  3. Find Settings in the left-hand navigation.

  4. Select Configuration > Global templates and blueprints.

  5. Select the edit icon () next to "Default Space Content" or "Default Personal Space Content" (depending on whether you want to customize the content for general space or personal space overviews).

  6. Add variables, macros, and other content as you want it to appear.

  7. Select Save.

The following variables are available to be added to the default space overview templates:

For general spaces

  • $spaceKey inserts the space key

  • $spaceName inserts the space name

For personal spaces

  • $userFullName inserts the user (owner of the personal space) into the personal space overview

  • $userEmail inserts the email address of the user (owner of the personal space) into the personal space overview.

Default space templates differ from ordinary page templates in that they don't present the user with a form to complete, so variables should be limited to those listed in the Variables menu.

Some macros, like the Table of Contents macro, may not display correctly when you preview the template because they are designed to work on a page. However when a new space is created, the macros will display correctly.

For more information on editing a template, including adding macros, see Edit a template.

Restore default space overview content

To reset the original default content:

  1. If you aren’t already there, go to your Confluence Cloud instance.

  2. Select the wheel icon () in the top-right corner to open Confluence administration.

  3. Find Settings in the left-hand navigation.

  4. Select Configuration > Global templates and blueprints.

  5. Select Reset to default next to the template you wish to reset.

From this point on, all new space overviews will be created with the original default content.

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