Insert and manage links on your pages

Links are essential for guiding users through your content, connecting related pages, and referencing external resources. This article will show you how to easily insert and manage links on your pages.

Using the toolbar

  1. Select the text you want to turn into a link, or place your cursor where you want the link to appear.

  2. Select the Link button on the toolbar, or use the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+K on Windows, Cmd+K on Mac.

  3. Choose your link destination:

    • Internal links: Select a page or blog post from your site.

    • External links: Enter the external URL directly.

  • You can simply paste a URL directly onto your page. The system will automatically create the link, and if the URL is from your current site, the page name will be set as the link text.

  • Alternatively, you can highlight a selection of content and paste a URL from your clipboard. This will instantly turn the highlighted text into a link using the pasted URL.

You can customize the text that appears as your link. After selecting your link destination, enter or modify the link text in the provided field. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the page name or URL as the default link text.

For more advanced linking needs, such as creating anchors or linking to specific sections within a page, see Links and Anchors for how to link to particular types of content.

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