Watch pages, spaces, whiteboards, and blogs

When you want to stay up-to-date and in-the-know about content on Confluence, you can use the Watch feature. When you watch something, Confluence will send you a notification email about any changes to your watched content.

You can watch pages, blog posts, or entire spaces and receive email notifications whenever the watched content is added to, edited, or deleted, including notifications about attachments and comments. For whiteboards, you'll only be notified of mentions or replies in comments.

By default, Confluence will assign you as a watcher of any content that you create or edit. This behavior is called 'autowatch'. 

You'll receive immediate emails for time sensitive notifications (like mentions and new pages).

By default, you’ll receive a daily digest of edits made in the past 24 hours. You can choose to receive individual emails for each update as they happen. See more on Subscribe to email updates.

You will not receive email notifications for content changes due to the output of a macro, only when the page content itself has been edited.

You need 'View' permission for the page, whiteboard, blog post, or space to receive notifications.

You can stop watching a page, whiteboard, blog, or space at any time.

Watch a page, whiteboard, or blog post

To start watching a page, whiteboard, or blog post:

  1. Go to the page, whiteboard, or blog post.

  2. Select the to watch the page, whiteboard, or blog post.

To stop watching a page, whiteboard, or blog post:

  1. Go to a page, whiteboard, or blog post you're already watching.

  2. Select the and uncheck Watch.

Press "w" on your keyboard to skip some clicks.

Watch an entire space

Related pages:

The quickest way to watch all pages, whiteboards, and blog posts in a particular space:

  1. Go to any page, whiteboard, or blog post in the space.

  2. Select the and check the option to Watch all content in this space

Uncheck the option to stop watching the space.

Only get notified when new blog posts are added

You can choose to receive a notification whenever someone adds a blog post in a space.

To get notified whenever a new blog post is added to a space:

  1. Go to a blog post in the space.

  2. Select the  and check the option to Watch all blog posts in this space.

This will only notify when a new blog is added. You won't be notified when blog is deleted, edited, or commented on unless you've chosen to watch a specific blog post.

To stop getting notified when new blog posts are added to the space

  1. Go to a blog post in the space.

  2. Select the  and uncheck the option to Watch all blog posts in this space.

Alternatively, you can select Blog in the space sidebar and then select Watch this blog at the top right.

Watch all spaces on the site

You can receive notifications about changes to the content of pages, whiteboards, blog posts and comments from all spaces on a Confluence site.

To start watching for content changes across the whole site:

  1. Select your profile picture at the right side of the navigation, then select Settings

  2. Select Email.

  3. Select Edit then choose Subscribe to daily updates.

  4. Select Submit.

Watching for all new blog posts on the site

You can choose to watch for all new blog posts in all spaces on the Confluence site. You will not receive notification of updates to or deletions of blog posts, nor of comments on the blog posts.

To start watching for all new blog posts:

  1. Select your profile picture at the right side of the navigation, then choose Settings

  2. Select Email.

  3. Select Edit then choose Subscribe to all blog posts.

  4. Select Submit.

Manage everything you're watching in one place

The Watches page in your user profile displays a list of all pages and spaces you are currently watching.

To manage what content you're watching:

  1. Select your profile picture at top right of the screen, then choose Settings

  2. Select Watches.

  3. Select Stop Watching for any unwanted spaces or pages.

Manage what you're watching from email messages

The email notifications that you receive from Confluence have some useful links at the bottom of the email message. The links in each message vary, depending on the context. In general, the links allow you to view the page online, reply to a comment, and so on.

In particular with respect to setting your notification preferences, you will see one or more of the following links:

  • Stop watching page – Select this link to stop watching the page that triggered the email notification.

  • Stop watching space – Select this link to stop watching the space that triggered the email notification.

  • Stop following this user – Select this link to stop following the user whose update triggered the email notification.

  • Manage Notifications – Select this link to go to the email settings page in your user profile.

Autowatch and other notification options

By default, Confluence will assign you as a watcher of any page or blog post that you create or edit. This behavior is called 'autowatch'. You can turn autowatch on or off, and set other notification options, in the email settings section of your user profile. See Edit your user settings.

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