Manage priorities

Adding priorities to work communicates urgency and brings focus to the most important tasks.

Use the Priorities page to add, edit, delete and re-order priorities. You can also add priority names, descriptions, colors and upload icons.

To see the list of priorities on your Jira site, go to Jira settings, then Issues, then Priorities. Jira product administrator permissions are required to manage priorities.

While the priority description won’t appear in the issue view, it gives more context for others who have permission to manage priorities.

New priorities will be added to the default priority scheme that contains all priorities.

Add, edit, and delete a priority

  1. Go to Jira settings, then Issues.

  2. Under ISSUE ATTRIBUTES, select Priorities

  3. Fill in the form below the existing priorities. You can edit the name, description, icon URL, and priority color (with an HTML color code or by clicking the color chart) at any time. Note that you can’t change the order in which priorities are displayed.

  4. Click Add.

If you add content to the Translate priorities section, that content will override your general Priorities content. For example, if a priority's description is different in the Translate section, it will appear when you hover over an issue's priority, and may cause confusion. Both need to match; if you edit one, remember to edit both. Learn more about Translating resolutions, priorities, statuses, and issue types.

Associate priorities with projects

To select a priority or a set of priorities for a project, you need to add them to a priority scheme, and then associate this scheme with a project.

If you haven’t associated a project with a priority scheme, the project will use the default priority scheme.

You won’t be able to delete a priority if projects are associated with it. To delete a priority, first remove the priority’s association with a project and then delete the priority.

Translate priorities

You can translate priorities into different languages. Learn more about translating priorities.


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