Restrict issues to a project role after a transition

By setting the issue security level after transitioning an issue, you can control who can access the issue based on their project role. This protects sensitive information by allowing only people with the project role to view and edit issues.

You must be an admin to perform the actions on this page.

To check for project roles:

  1. Go to Settings () > System > Project roles.

  2. Make sure the project role you want to restrict access to is there. If it isn’t, add or edit project roles.

To add people to a project role:

  1. From a project, go to Project settings > People.

  2. Select Add people.

  3. Type names, groups, or email addresses.

  4. Select the Role.

To add an issue security scheme:

  1. From a project, go to Project settings.

  2. Under Issues, select Security.

  3. Select Actions > Edit issue security.

  4. Fill in the fields under Add security level.

  5. Select Add security level.

  6. For the new security level, select Add.

  7. Choose the project role you want to restrict issues to.

  8. Select Add.

To add a post function and condition to a workflow:

  1. From a project, go to Project settings > Workflows.

  2. Edit the workflow associated with the project.

  3. Select the transition you want to add the permission to and choose Post functions.

  4. Select Add post function.

  5. Select Set issue security based on user’s project role.

  6. Select the project role and issue security level.

  7. Select Conditions.

  8. Select Add condition.

  9. Select User is in any project role.

  10. Select the project role.

  11. Select Add.

We add the condition to stop people who aren’t supposed to see the issue in the new status from accidentally moving the issue.

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