What development data can I view in Jira?

Once you’ve connected your development tool, you can view linked development information in various places in Jira.

View development information on an issue’s development panel

The development panel on your Jira issues automatically pulls in information from your development tools if you include issue keys in your work. Find out how to add references in your work.

The following data can be linked to the development panel:

  • Branches - the branch name must include the issue key.

  • Commits - the commit message must include the issue key (limited to 100 commits per issue).

  • Pull requests - the pull request title or the source branch name must include the issue key.

  • Reviews - the title of the review must include the issue key, or the issue must be linked from the review.

  • Builds - the build must include a commit message or a branch name that references the issue key.

  • Deployments - a commit associated with the deploy must contain the issue key in its commit message.

 Learn more about viewing development information for an issue.

View information on your Jira board

Issue cards on your board display development icons to indicate when they have pull requests, branches, commits, or deployments associated with them. Hover over the icons to view the details of the development activity, then select one to go to your connected development tool.

Your board displays development icons as long as at least one of the issues on your board has development data linked to it and your board contains fewer than 100 issues.

View information on the Code page

Once you’ve connected your tools and included issue keys in your development actions, the Code page will show all the repositories related to your software project.

If you include issue keys in pull request titles, you’ll also see:

  • all the pull requests that have been linked to issues in your project within the last 30 days

  • pull requests that have been linked previously but were updated within the last 30 days.

The Code page does not support development tools integrated using Applinks or DVCS.

Find out more about the code feature.

Use workflow triggers to automate tasks

Workflow triggers can help keep Jira issues synchronized with the information in your development tools.

Instead of relying on developers to manually update the status of an issue after doing work, you can configure triggers to automatically transition issues. For example, you could configure a trigger to automatically transition an issue from To Do to In Progress when a branch is created.

Find out what else you can configure with workflow triggers

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