Edit the due date of an issue with your keyboard

You can edit the due date of an issue using only your keyboard via the command palette.

Add or edit a due date

To add or edit a due date with the command palette:

  1. Make sure you’re viewing an issue either in the side bar or in full screen.

  2. Open the command palette.

    1. If you’re a Mac user, press command + K to open the command palette.

    2. If you’re a windows user, press Ctrl + K to open the command palette.

  3. Search for the command Add due date, or Edit due date if your issue already has a due date.

  4. Enter the due date you’d like to add to the issue or choose a due date from the dropdown list, then select enter on your keyboard. This will close the command palette and update the due date.

Remove a due date

To remove a due date with the command palette:

  1. Make sure you’re viewing an issue either in the side bar or in full screen.

  2. Open the command palette.

    1. If you’re a Mac user, press command + K to open the command palette.

    2. If you’re a windows user, press Ctrl + K to open the command palette.

  3. Search for the command Edit due date.

  4. Select Remove due date.

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