• Documentation

Link security vulnerabilities to Jira issues

Your site administrator must connect a security tool to your Jira site before you can view security vulnerabilities in Jira

The security feature in Jira shows vulnerabilities from your connected security tools. It shows some key information about each vulnerability - like the severity, status, and identifier - so you can triage your team’s vulnerabilities and track them until they’re resolved.

For example, you might sort your vulnerabilities by severity and use the issue status filter to hide any that already have issues attached. Now you have a prioritized list of vulnerabilities to assess, create issues for, and assign to your team to resolve.

You can create a new issue for a vulnerability, or link it to an existing issue.

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Security.

  2. In the vulnerabilities section, find the vulnerability you want to link an issue to, then:

    1. To create a new issue, select Create issue.

    2. To link to an issue that already exists, select the more actions icon () and then Link issue.

You can link a vulnerability to more than one issue. If the vulnerability already has an issue linked to it, here’s how to link another one:

  1. In the vulnerabilities section, find the vulnerability you want to link an issue to.

  2. Select the more actions icon (), then:

    1. Select Edit linked issue to link to another existing issue.

    2. Select Create another issue to create and link another new issue.

When you unlink an issue, it will be removed from the issues column in the vulnerabilities section of the Security page.

To unlink an issue from a vulnerability:

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Security.

  2. In the vulnerabilities section, find the vulnerability you want to unlink an issue from.

  3. In the issues column, hover over the issue you want to unlink and select the unlink issue icon, then select Unlink, or

  4. Select more actions (), then Edit linked issue.

    1. Confirm which issues are currently linked to the vulnerability.

    2. To unlink an issue, select ( x ) next to the issue, then Save.

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