Build an on-call schedule
Configure on-call schedules to make sure the right person is notified at the right time.
Build an on-call schedule
Configure on-call schedules to make sure the right person is notified at the right time.
How do escalations work in Opsgenie?
Ensure each alert receives the necessary attention by setting up escalation policies.
Manage on-call schedules and rotations
Create schedules, add rotations and participants to these schedules, then export to other calendars.
Create an on-call schedule with a daily rotation
Read a sample scenario of how daily rotations work in an on-call schedule.
Create an on-call schedule with weekday/weekend rotation
Read a sample scenario of how weekday and weekend rotations work in an on-call schedule.
Create an on-call schedule with business and off-hours
Read a sample scenario of how a rotation with business and after business hours work together in an on-call schedule.
Override an on-call schedule
Replace on-call users to cover for each other on specific times or based on rotations.
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