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End of sales and support for Opsgenie

Atlassian will discontinue new sales of Opsgenie on June 4, 2025 and end support for Opsgenie on April 5, 2027. Read the full announcement and learn about next-generation incident response options via Jira Service Management and Compass.

How are global reports calculated?

Alert MTTA/R Reports

Acknowledge times are calculated as First Acknowledge Time - Alert Creation Time, i.e, the time elapsed between the creation time and first acknowledge time for the alert. For any reason, if the alert gets unacknowledged and acknowledged again, the first acknowledge time still counts for the acknowledge time of the specific alert, latter ones do not affect this metric. MTTA values are calculated by getting the mean value of the acknowledge times of the alerts (sum of acknowledge times of the matching alerts/number of matching alerts).

While calculating the MTTA for the designated time filter, only the closed alerts set is taken into consideration to have a common set for MTTA and MTTR metrics. To give an example, if you are viewing the MTTA for the alerts created within the last 7 days, it would take the acknowledge times of the closed alerts that are created within the last 7 days.

If an alert is closed without being acknowledged, the close time is counted as the acknowledge time for the specific alert.

Daily MTTA Calculations: Takes the acknowledge times of the closed alerts which are created in a specific day, and calculates the mean value of them for the MTTA of that specific day.

Minimum Daily Acknowledge Time: The smallest acknowledge time for the alerts created on the specified date. Uses the matching closed alerts set, like MTTA.

Maximum Daily Acknowledge Time: The largest acknowledge time for the alerts created on the specified date. Uses the matching closed alerts set, like MTTA.

Close times are calculated as Close Time - Alert Creation Time, i.e, the time elapsed between the creation time and close time for an alert. MTTR values are calculated by getting the mean value of the close times of the alerts (sum of close times of the matching alerts/number of matching alerts). To give an example, if you are viewing the MTTR for the alerts created within the last 7 days, it would take the close times of the closed alerts that are created within the last 7 days.

Daily MTTR Calculations: Takes the close times of the alerts which are created in a specific day, and calculates the mean value of them for the MTTR of that specific day.

Minimum Daily Resolve Time: The smallest close time for the alerts created on the specified date.

Maximum Daily Resolve Time: The largest acknowledge time for the alerts created on the specified date.

Alert reports

Alert analytics

  • Alerts per Source:
    Source is taken from the ‘source’ field of the alerts, i.e., if not changed from its original, the type of the integration. If it is modified, it would show the modified value. Only top 6 sources that receive the most alerts are shown, the remaining ones are accumulated under the ‘others’ group.

  • Alerts per Tag:
    Showing how many alerts have the specified tag. The chart includes the top 8 tags that most of the alerts have. If you filter the dashboard by a tag, this chart would include the top tags for the alerts that have the tag used in the filter.

User productivity analytics

  • Number of alerts:
    Counts the alerts that the user is added as a recipient to (can be due to the team escalation, schedule etc.).

  • Alerts Escalated to Next User:
    Number of alerts that processed an additional escalation step after the user receives the alert. If there are multiple escalations that are being processed for the particular alert, if an escalation step for any of the escalations is processed after the user received the alert, it is counted as escalated and the alert is added to this metric. If ‘Escalate to Next’ action is executed on the alert, it would also be counted.

  • Alerts Reassigned by User:
    Number of alerts that are assigned to someone else by executing the ‘Assign’ action on the alerts, after the filtered user receives the alert. The action does not necessarily need to be executed by this user, anyone can execute this action and assign the alert to someone else. It does not matter if the alert is acknowledged or not when the action is executed. (‘Take ownership’ action does not affect this metric.)

Monthly overview

Shows the data for the latest calendar month. The data visible in this report varies from a 1-day long data to a 31-day data. So it shows the corresponding data starting from the 1st of the current month up to the current date. For example, if it is currently December 15th, it would show the metrics for the corresponding alerts that are created between December 1st and 15th.

The summary metrics that you would see on some of the charts are the percentage change according to the last month. The summary metrics would take the latest available data of the previous month to compare with the current value.

  • Alerts Created per Day:
    Number of alerts created each day for the current month. The mean and std. deviation calculations are made by taking into consideration the exact number of days passed until the current date.

API Usage Reports

The data is collected at 1-minute intervals.

  • Active Integrations:
    Shows the number of integrations that are actively used over the given time interval, i.e, counts the integrations that the API requests are received through.

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