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End of sales and support for Opsgenie

Atlassian will discontinue new sales of Opsgenie on June 4, 2025 and end support for Opsgenie on April 5, 2027. Read the full announcement and learn about next-generation incident response options via Jira Service Management and Compass.

Search syntax for incidents


You can use field:value combination with most of incident fields.



createdAt : 1470394841148

Unix timestamp in milliseconds format. (1470394841148 -> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 11:00:41.148 GMT)

id : b9a2fb13-1b76-4b41-be28-eed2c61978fa

Id of the incident.

tinyId : 28

Short id assigned to the incident. Be careful, using this field is not recommended because it rolls.

message : Api is down


description : Monitoring tool is reporting that


status : open

open | resolved | closed

priority : P1

P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5

teams : team1

Name of the owner team

services : service1

Name of the service

tag : urgent


actions : restart


details.key : impact


details.value : external


postmortemRequired : true

true | false

postmortemStatus : draft

draft | in-review | published | no-postmortem

postmortemPublishDueDate : 1470394841148

Unix timestamp in milliseconds format. (1470394841148 -> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 11:00:41.148 GMT)

Condition Operators

In addition of : exact match operator; you can also use <<=, > and >= operators.


createdAt < 1470394841148

Logical Operators

You can combine multiple value(s) by using AND and OR operators. Just don't forget to wrap them with ( ) parentheses.



message: (lorem OR ipsum)

message field contains "lorem" or "ipsum"

description: (lorem AND ipsum)

description field contains both "lorem" and "ipsum"

Also you can combine multiple condition(s) by using AND and OR operators.


message: lorem AND createdAt < 1470394841148

message: (lorem OR ipsum) AND createdAt < 1470394841148

status: open AND (createdAt < 1470394841148 OR entity:lipsum)

Use the NOT search query to disqualify search results for a certain value.



message: NOT lorem

message field does not contain lorem

status: NOT open

status of incident results are not open, i.e, closed or resolved

Asterisk (*) Wildcard Usage

Asterisk (*) character can be used as a substitute for any of a class of characters in a search. It is often used in place of one or more characters when you do not know what the real character is or you do not want to type the entire name. If you are looking for an incident that you know "message" field starts with "lorem" but you cannot remember the rest of the field, type the following:


message: lorem*


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