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End of sales and support for Opsgenie

Atlassian will discontinue new sales of Opsgenie on June 4, 2025 and end support for Opsgenie on April 5, 2027. Read the full announcement and learn about next-generation incident response options via Jira Service Management and Compass.

String processing methods in Opsgenie integrations

Opsgenie provides string processing methods to parse incoming emails in email to alert rules, automations, and more.

Opsgenie email rules allow processing these emails, extracting information from email data, assign to appropriate alert fields and take the appropriate action (create, acknowledge, close,etc.) To extract data from the incoming emails, Opsgenie provides string processing methods. The following methods are currently supported:

toLowerCase(): converts all the characters within the text to lower case and returns the resulting string

{{ message.toLowerCase() }}


toUpperCase(): converts all the characters within the text to upper case and returns the resulting string

{{ message.toUpperCase() }}


substring(int from), substring(int from, int to): returns the string between specified indices. "from" is included "to" is excluded.
{{ from_name.substring(5,20) }}


substringAfter(String from): returns the string after the specified parameter

{{ subject.substringAfter("Host") }}


substringBefore(String to): returns the string before the specified parameter
{{ from_address.substringBefore("@") }}


substringBetween(String from, String to): returns the string between from and to parameters
{{ subject.substringBetween("URL:","(") }}


extract(regular expression): returns part of the string that matches the parenthesized section of the regular expression.
{{ message.extract(/Host: (\S+)/) }}


You can refer Regular Expression for further information about extract method.

Regex match operations has 10 seconds timeout limit. If it takes more than 10 seconds, it returns "null"string.

toDate(): returns date time conversion of a timestamp. Uses default values of "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ZZZ" for time date format; "GMT" for time zone.
{{ message.toDate() }}


toDate(String dateTimeFormat): returns date time conversion of a timestamp. Time format argument should follow Java's Simple Date formatting pattern. Uses default value of "GMT" for time zone.
{{ message.toDate("yyyy-MM") }}


toDate(String dateTimeFormat, String timeZone): returns date time conversion of a timestamp. Time format argument should follow Java's Simple Date formatting pattern.
{{ message.toDate("yyyy-MM", "GMT+2") }}


toReadableNumber(): Removes the + characters if exists and splits all the characters within the given string by single whitespaces. Applying this method to phone numbers within alert messages is the most common case to be able to listen each digit within phone numbers one by one.
{{ from.toReadableNumber() }}


removeAllWhitespace(): Removes any white space, new line, tab and carriage return characters from the specified parameter and returns the resulting string.
{{ message.removeAllWhitespace() }}


urlEncode(): Converts a string to the 


 MIME format, based on the UTF-8 character set. For more information about the escape characters, you can refer Special characters in URI attribute values.
{{ subject.urlEncode() }}

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