View global and team reports
A new analytics experience is here
We’ve rolled out a redesigned analytics experience with better performance and versatile visualization of your data. This includes a complete redesign of the visual components to look and work better.
The new reports provide data visualization and analytics capabilities on how you use Opsgenie, how things are changing over time, and how your teams are performing.
There are two different types of reports in Opsgenie:
a. Global reports
b. Team reports
a. Global reports
Global Reports are the reports that are account-wide and include generic analysis for notifications, API usage, the overall responsiveness on the alerts, i.e., MTTA/R.
b. Team reports
Team Reports are the reports that focus on your team activities, performance, and the alerts that they receive. These reports also include some common looks with the Global Reports which focus only on the particular team that is selected.
You can view the reports for your account if you have the right to view them. Admins and Owners can view both Global and Team Reports, and Team Admins can only view the Team Reports for their team(s). If a user has the ‘Access to Reports’ right in their custom user role, they would be able to see all of the reports as well.
View your reports
To see which reports are applicable to your team, and to confirm when/if they are scheduled to be sent to your relevant team members, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to Analytics via the top menu.
2. Go to the top of the sidebar menu on the left. Click the dropdown menu, select Global or Team Reports.
3. Now you’ll be able to view the chosen report.
How to send subscriptions
Once you select a team, navigate to the right side of the report, click on the paper plane icon Send subscription.
Once you click this, a dialogue box appears. Depending on what you wish to do next, follow these steps:
I. If you want to create a new subscription
Click on Add subscription. Enter details of your subscription on the modal. Click Add.
II. If you want to edit active subscriptions
You’ll see the number of active subscriptions for this report.
Under the Actions tab, click the edit option for the corresponding subscription. Edit details on the modal. Click Save.
If, for some reason, schedules have not been received as expected, double check via these steps to make sure the correct Team is listed under your profile, that it is the one chosen for the Report view, and that there is a schedule titled and setup to deliver these reports. Recipients should also be designated by their emails, otherwise, the report cannot be delivered.
Below, you can find the list of available reports:
Global reports
Alert analytics
User productivity analytics
Alert MTTA/R analytics
Team MTTA/R analytics
Incoming call routing
Infrastructure health report
On-call time reports
On-call time analytics
User management report
Team reports
Alert Analytics
Team Productivity Analytics
User Productivity Analytics
Infrastructure health report
On-call time analytics
Total on call time per user
Team Reports and a part of the Global Reports are available only for the Enterprise plan. Similarly, Reporting under the Essentials Plan includes Notifications and API Usage Reports. Advanced Reporting is only available for Standard Plan and Enterprise Plan.
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