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End of sales and support for Opsgenie

Atlassian will discontinue new sales of Opsgenie on June 4, 2025 and end support for Opsgenie on April 5, 2027. Read the full announcement and learn about next-generation incident response options via Jira Service Management and Compass.

View global DevOps metrics

Global DevOps Metrics reports enable you to measure your organization’s DevOps performance by providing relevant metrics and trends. These metrics include the following information:

  • Deployment Frequency - Frequency of the deployments performed across your organization by the selected time range.

  • Change Failure Ratio - The number of deployments made per number of failures where both incidents and alerts constitute as failures.

  • Meant Time To Respond - The average time taken for your organization to resolve incidents.

Best Experience with Bitbucket Integration

DevOps metrics are more accurate and visualized better when you connect your Bitbucket workspaces to your Opsgenie account. This feature is currently only available for those who use Bitbucket as their VCS and deployment tool. Click here to find out more about connecting Bitbucket workspaces to Opsgenie.


  • Date - The time range over which DevOps metrics are tracked

  • Comparison Date - Time range over which previous DevOps performance is compared to current time range performance.

  • Deployment Environment - The system environment which applies to your deployments.


Deployment Frequency
The number of deployments made per week throughout the entire organization.

Change Failure Ratio
The number of deployments over the number of failures where failures include incidents across all services.

Mean Time To Resolve Incidents
Indicates the mean time taken in resolving incidents across the organization.

Deployment Frequency Trends
Two line graphs of deployment frequency vs time where one line is the total deployment frequency across the organization and the other is the moving average calculated over 4 weeks.

Change Failure Trends
Two line graphs of change failure ratio vs time where one line is the change failure ratio across the organization and the other is the moving average of change failure ratio calculated over 4 weeks.

Time to resolve Trends
Two line graphs of the time to resolve vs time where one line is the mean time to resolve incidents across the organization and the other is the moving average of the time to resolve calculated over 4 weeks.

Single value shows the total number of deployments made by the whole organization within the time period specified by the filter parameters selected.

Single value shows the total number of alerts received by the whole organization within the time period specified by the filter parameters selected.

Single value shows the total number of Incidents incurred by the whole organization within the time period specified by the filter parameters selected.

Deployment vs Failures
The graph juxtaposes the total number of deployments made over different weeks within the time range specified by the filter parameters, and the corresponding alerts and incidents within those weeks. Deployments are the total deployments by the organization and are represented by the bar charts. Incidents and Alerts are represented by the line graphs and similar to the deployments, relate to the total number of alerts and incidents within the specific week marked on the x-axis.

Deployment vs File Changes
The graph juxtaposes the total number of deployments made over different weeks within the time range specified by the filter parameters, and the number of files changed by those deployments. Deployments are the total deployments by the organization and are represented in the form of bar charts. File changes are represented in two statistical visuals with one line graph illustrating the max number of files changed within a deployment in the specific week marked on the x-axis, while the second line graph illustrates the corresponding median of file changes.

Service Health vs Team Reaction
The graph shows how all teams perform in terms of service health which measures the percentage of the time, within the time range specified by the filter parameters, the service has been free of any incidents. The graph juxtaposes the overall service health of each team with the Team Reaction time which is the percentage of incidents within the specified time range that the team managed to close within 24 hours. The overall service health is represented in the form of bar charts while the team reaction time is in the form of points.

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