Copy and add DNS records to your domain provider

When you add your domain, we provide you with a list of DNS records that you need to add to your domain provider. Learn more about DNS records required for configuring DMARC

Once you add DNS records to your domain provider, due to the nature of how DNS works, it may take some time for the changes you make in your provider to become visible to our systems.

After you add the DNS records, we match the records to verify that all the records are still present and formatted correctly. Then our system checks whether the DNS records in your domain provider match those that we provide. This is called a DNS records check.

When you add a domain to Atlassian Administration, we run a DNS records check every 24 hours to determine whether records match. If one or more DNS records don’t match during a check, we send an email to all organization admins letting you know. You will stop receiving these emails when all records match.

Copy and add DNS records

If you close the DNS records modal the first time we display your records, you can always come back at a later time to copy them. To copy and add DNS records:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Emails.

  3. Select the Email domains tab.

  4. Select See DNS records for the domain you want to manage. You’ll see 5 or 6 DNS records.

  5. Open your domain provider, and find the screen where you can add DNS custom records. These records are added to the same domain that you’ve added in

  6. Create custom records in your domain provider by copying and adding the name and value for each DNS record. Refer to the table below for more details about how to add them.

  7. Save these records in your domain provider.

  8. Return to the Email domains tab, and select See DNS records.

  9. Select Run DNS records check or Close.
    Run DNS records check initiates the check immediately. It may take a few seconds for this check to complete. If you choose to close, we’ll still run a check 24 hours from the time you add your email domain.


How to add


  1. Copy the name and record value for both to your domain provider.

  2. Select CNAME as the DNS record type.


  1. Copy the name and record value to your domain provider.

  2. Select CNAME as the DNS record type.


  1. Copy the name and record value to your domain provider.

  2. Select TXT as the DNS record type.

Get a status of individual records

When we run a DNS records check, we update the status of each record in the DNS records table. To check the status of individual records:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Emails.

  3. Select the Email domains tab.

  4. Select See DNS records for the domain you want to manage.

  5. From your email domain at Settings > Emails, select See DNS records.

  6. From the Status column, you’ll see or for each record.

    • If the record has , we confirmed a match in your domain provider.

    • If the record has , we haven’t been able to confirm a match yet. Hover over the for more details.

  7. Select Close.

Initiate a DNS records check

You can also initiate a DNS records check yourself. To initiate a check:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Emails.

  3. Select the Email domains tab.

  4. Select See DNS records for the domain you want to manage.

  5. If you need to, you can copy and add records to your domain provider.

  6. Select Run DNS records check.

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