Create a backup policy

The new backup and restore solution is available to a limited number of customers on the Enterprise plan through a closed beta program.

Backup and restore isn’t available in the Atlassian Government environment.


Before running a backup for the first time, you need to create a backup policy for the product. The policy includes the product you select to back up and whether to include attachments in the backup. For Confluence, you can back up personal spaces.

Before creating a backup policy, make sure:

To create a new backup policy:

  1. Go to Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > Data management.

  3. Select Backup and restore.

  4. Select Create backup policy.

  5. Select the product to back up.

  6. Depending on the product you selected, you can choose whether to include attachments or personal spaces in the backup.Then, select Next.

  7. Review the backup policy, then select Run backup.

If successful, the backup starts running, and a new backup policy for the product is added to the Backups table.


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