Manage an organization with the admin APIs

API keys allow you to manage your organization via the admin APIs. You can update organization settings with the organizations REST API and manage user accounts with the user management REST API. To make requests to the API with the client of your choice, create an API key.

On 18 Jan 2023, we extended the length of API keys. Using a varied length, rather than a fixed length, ensures keys are more secure and reliable. Keys created before 18 Jan 2023 were not affected.

API keys are associated with the organization and not individual admins. When an admin generates an API key, they exclusively hold the privilege to access the confidential API key value, irrespective of other admins within the organization.

It is highly recommended to revoke any prior API keys that were accessible to former admins.

What do I need to do?

If your script relies on a fixed API key length, check that it can handle a variable length instead.

This change only applied to new keys created on or after 18 Jan 2023. Existing keys were not affected. If your script already has a provision for variable-length API keys for your Atlassian account, this change won’t impact you. No action is needed.

For further assistance, contact our support team.

Create an API key

To create an API key:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > API keys.

  3. Select Create API key in the top right.

  4. Enter a name that you’ll remember to identify the API key.

  5. By default, the key expires one week from today. If you’d like to change the expiration date, pick a new date under Expires on. You’re unable to select a date longer than a year from the date of creation.

  6. Select Create to save the API key.

  7. Copy the values for your Organization ID and API key. You'll need those to use the API key.

    Note: Make sure you store these values in a safe place, as we won't show them to you again.

  8. Select Done. The key will appear in your list of API keys.

Revoke an API key

To revoke an API key:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > API keys.

  3. Select Revoke next to the API key.

Revoking an API key is permanent. It may take up to 10 minutes for a revoked key to stop working.

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