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Update product request settings

This feature is available for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence with an Enterprise plan. If you have any of these Enterprise plans, you also get product request settings for Trello.

Product request settings control what happens when a user tries to sign up for a product. By default, a managed account from your organization can sign up for any product. You can prevent this by updating your settings for each individual product with an Enterprise plan.

Prevent users from signing up for products

To prevent your managed accounts from signing up for a product at www.atlassian.com without your knowledge, you can require admin review of product requests.

To update your request settings to require review:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Select Request settings. If this is your first time updating these settings, you may need to select Update request settings.

  4. Find the products that you want to review requests for. For each product, select the dropdown under Request setting and select Require admin review.

The next time one of your managed accounts tries to sign up for a product, they’ll receive a prompt to enter a reason for their request. After they create the request, all organization admins receive an email, letting them know a user created a request.

As an organization admin, this setting will also prevent you from starting new products outside of your organization. You can work around this in a few ways:

  • Start the product from admin.atlassian.com.

  • Turn off the setting, create the product, and then turn the setting back on.

  • Create the product from a non-managed account.

Allow users to sign up for products

You can revert back to the default setting and allow managed users to sign up for products.

To update your request settings to allow new products:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Select Request settings.

  4. Find the products that you want to allow users to sign up for. For each product, select the dropdown under Request setting and select Allow new products.

You’ll no longer receive requests for those products. All previously created product requests will remain on the Product requests page.

Your users will be able to sign up for products on their own, and those products will appear in the Discovered products list. Learn more about discovered products

Stop receiving product request emails

You receive an email each time a user creates a product request. If you don’t want to receive emails about new product requests, you can opt out of them. If you opt out, all other organization admins continue to receive these emails.

To opt out of product request emails:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Product requests.

  3. Remove the checkbox from Email me when users create a new product request.

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