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Export external users

You may need to review the external users in your organization before you apply security settings to them. You can export a list of all the external users in your organization to a CSV file.

To export a CSV file of the external users:

  1. Log in to admin.atlassian.com > Security > External users.

  2. Select Export users.

We send you an email with a link to download the CSV file. It may take a while if you have a large number of external users. The download link in the email expires in 24 hours. An organization admin with the link can download the CSV file.

External user details in your CSV file

This is the information included in the CSV file for each external user in an organization.

External user information

External user information examples



Atlassian ID


Last active time

Last date user accessed a product

User access to products

Confluence, Jira Service Management (Atlassian accounts only), Jira Product Discovery, Jira.

Billable for Atlassian Guard Standard



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