Move product data to another location

This feature is available for Jira, Jira Service Management, and Confluence with Enterprise, Premium, and Standard plans.

If data residency is available for your product, you can request to have your in-scope product data pinned to a new location. You may need to do this to meet company data requirements. Or, if you work in a regulated industry like finance, government, or healthcare, this may be necessary for operating in a cloud environment.

This page provides detailed information on how to request a data residency move, how the move will affect your product, and how we manage your data residency move.

Schedule a data residency move

If data residency is available for your product, you can move it to one of the supported locations. About locations

To schedule a data residency move:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Data residency.

  3. In the data residency table, select View details for the product that you want to move.

  4. Select Set location.

  5. Review information about the steps involved in moving a product. Select Next.

  6. Select the location from the menu where you want to move your product. Select Next.

  7. Select a move window. Select Next.

  8. Review the apps. Select Next.

  9. Review your data residency move request details and select Submit request.

You can cancel your scheduled data residency move. However, once your data residency move has started and is in progress, you can't cancel it. Learn how to cancel a scheduled data residency move

Some Marketplace apps will move with the product

We support a combined move of a product and some of its installed apps. While we're moving your product to its new location, some of its installed apps will move automatically. As a result, some of the apps that support a data residency move will be moved along with the product. Some apps will have to be moved separately after the product is moved to the data residency location. Learn about moving your Marketplace apps

Before you request a data residency move, you should understand how we manage your data residency move.

How we manage your data residency move

When you request a data residency move, we gather information about your product, including the size of your product data. This information helps us identify an appropriate move window for you so that we can make your data residency move smoothly. We suggest a recommended move window to ensure that your downtime experience is optimized. Learn more about downtimes for data residency

Move windows indicate when we will schedule your data residency move. We offer three types of move windows:

Schedule move in the maintenance window

The move will take place during the maintenance window, and this option becomes available when the move can be safely carried out within a standard maintenance window. For this option, the estimated downtime for the data residency move is under two hours.

A maintenance window is chosen based on the timezone when you sign up. Learn more about maintenance windows

Schedule move within the next 48 hours

The move will be scheduled within the next 48 hours. This option becomes available when your estimated downtime is less than 20 hours. For example, when your estimated downtime is 19 hours, and you select this option, your move will be scheduled in the next 48 hours. We will inform you via email when the move is scheduled.

Schedule move in a 24-hour window

The move will start on the date and at the time of your choice. However, you will need to request your move at least three days in advance.

Support team will manage your move

Sometimes, we're unable to schedule data residency moves automatically. This could be due to a large amount of data or technical limitations. If we can't automatically schedule your data residency move, we will generate a support ticket after you submit your request, and our support team will help you schedule your move. You can access the support ticket on the data residency page.

Regardless of how we manage your data residency move, you can check its status on > Security> Data residency. To keep you up to date, we'll also email you when the status of your move changes, including when your move starts, when it's finished, and when your product is back online.

Before you request a data residency move, you should understand how a data residency move affects your product.

How we move your product data

During a data residency move, we:

  1. Create a copy of your product data in your selected location.

  2. Verify that the product data in the two locations match.

  3. Delete the source product data in the original location.

We only delete your source product data once we have confirmed that your product data is in your selected location.

As for attachments, when a product is moved to a new location, its files stay attached to the page or ticket they were originally uploaded to. They won’t, however, be visible from the in-product media picker dialog.

New in-product notifications are also pinned in the destination location, and old in-product notifications stay in the original location for up to 30 days.

How a data residency move affects your product 

Before you request a data residency move, you should be aware of the following:

All products – your product will be offline at the start of the move 

When your product is moving to its new location, it will be offline for some of the time at the start of the process. While it's offline, your users won't be able to access the product. This process could take 2 to 24 hours to complete, depending on the size and type of your data. However, it would be best to plan for your product to be offline for up to 24 hours. We'll email you when your move starts, when it's finished, and when your product is back online. Learn more about move windows

All products – linked sandboxes won’t be moved 

When you create a sandbox, we automatically host it in the same location as the product that it's linked to. For example, if you create a sandbox for a product pinned to the US location, we’ll pin your sandbox to the same location.

We don’t, however, move sandboxes with their linked product. For example, if you move the product to the EU location, we won’t move the linked sandbox, and it will remain pinned to the US location. If you want to move the sandbox to the EU location, you’ll need to request a separate move.

All products – Some apps will move

We support a combined move of a product and some of its installed apps. While we're moving your product to its new location, some of its installed apps will move automatically. This means that some of the apps that support a data residency move will be moved along with the product. However, some apps will have to be moved separately after the product has moved to the preferred data residency location. There may also be apps that won’t be able to move at all since they don’t support data residency. Learn about data residency for Marketplace apps

Both product and its apps will be offline, during the data residency move.

Jira – products on the same site URL will all be moved together 

Jira Cloud products are all built on the Jira platform. As a result, we move all Jira Cloud products on the same site URL together. If you have Jira, and Jira Service Management on the same site URL:

  • moving one of these products will also move the other two products to the same location

  • all three products will be offline during the data residency move

  • all three products will be pinned to the new location when the move is finished

If you're using Opsgenie in your Jira Service Management environment, Jira Service Management features powered by Opsgenie will also experience downtime. The process can take up to 24 hours, depending on the size and type of your data. During this window, we’ll email you when the move starts, when it’s finished, and Opsgenie is back online and ready for use.

Jira – sandboxes on the same site URL will all be offline 

When you move a Jira Cloud product sandbox, all your Jira Cloud product sandboxes on the same site URL will experience downtime. This is due to how the products in this family are all built on the same platform. Learn more about sandboxes

Confluence – changes made in editing mode won’t be saved 

During a data residency move, while Confluence is offline, changes your users make to pages they have open in editing mode won’t be saved.

Confluence – search won’t work temporarily after a move 

After a data residency move, it will be re-indexed when Confluence comes back online. While this happens, the search won’t be fully operational and may not function as expected. Re-indexing can take a few hours but may take up to three days, depending on the size of your product data.

Data residency isn't available for the audit log

When you’re on the Cloud enterprise plan, we store your user-created activity in the audit log. However, data residency isn’t available for this activity. If you’d like to exclude user-created activity from the audit log, update your activity settings in the audit log. Learn more about audit logs

Cancel a data residency move

You can cancel a data residency move as long the status is MOVE SCHEDULED. You can’t cancel a move after the status has changed to MOVE IN PROGRESS.

To cancel a data residency move:

  1. Go to Atlassian Administration. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Data residency.

  3. Find the product in the data residency table and select More actions.

  4. Select Cancel move.

After we cancel the move, this status will be replaced with the current AWS region in which the product is currently located. We’ll also email you to confirm your move has been canceled.


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