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Prevent public links

Public links allow users to share individual Confluence pages and whiteboards with anyone who has the link, even if that person doesn’t have access to Confluence or an Atlassian account. About public links

The public links rule allows you to prevent people creating or using public links in the Confluence spaces, products, or classification levels covered by a data security policy. What is a data security policy?

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin
Plan: Atlassian Guard Standard (classification level coverage requires Atlassian Guard Premium)

If you haven’t created a data security policy yet, create one now. The public links rule is available for policies that cover spaces and projects, entire products, or classification levels.

To add the public links rule to your policy:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Security > Data security policies.

  3. Select your policy from the list.

  4. Select the Public links rule.

  5. Select Don’t allow existing and future public links.

  6. Save your changes.

Existing public links will be turned off and people will not be able to turn on public links for pages and whiteboards covered by the policy.

Public links rule configuration options

When you change the policy rule, it may take up to 10 minutes for the change to take effect in Confluence. For example, if you change the rule from Don’t allow to Allow, it may take about 10 minutes for the public links toggle to be available again.

What will my users experience?

When the public links rule is set to Don’t allow existing and future public links:

  • Users won’t be able to turn on public links for content covered by the policy. They’ll see a message that public links aren’t allowed.

  • All existing public links will be turned off for content covered by the policy. If you later change the policy rule to allow public links, these links won’t be turned back on automatically.

  • Admins in Confluence can’t allow public links or change any public links settings in Global permissions or Space permissions when public links are blocked for an entire product instance. They’ll see a message that public links aren’t allowed.

When the public links rule is set to Allow public links:

  • Whether public links are available will depend on the settings in Global permissions and Space permissions.

  • Spaces created while the public links rule was set to Don’t allow will also respect the settings in Global permissions and Space permissions.

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