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Send alerts to Microsoft Teams

Send alerts about suspicious activity or potentially sensitive data to Microsoft Teams so your team can react quickly. This is useful if you already use Microsoft Teams as part of your team’s workflow.

Who can do this?
Role: Organization admin, Guard Detect admin
Plan: Atlassian Guard Premium

Send alerts to Microsoft Teams

The Microsoft Teams integration uses webhooks. How to create an incoming webhook in Microsoft Teams

To send alerts to Microsoft Teams:

  1. In Guard Detect, select Integrations > Teams from the header.

  2. Select Add webhook.

  3. Enter the incoming webhook URL, and select Save.

To test the integration is working, send a test alert.

Teams integration showing an example webhook URL and an add webhook button

What data is sent to your tool?

It’s important to know that once you set up an integration you will be sending alert data to the third party tool of your choosing. We send the alert title, description, and context which can include:

  • The name of the actor and their profile picture

  • The name of the subject, which can be a person or an entity (such as a space, project, or policy)

  • The site URL or page URL where the activity happened.

We respect the visibility settings in the actor’s Atlassian Account profile. If the actor has chosen not to share their profile picture with their Atlassian organization, we respect that setting.

You should make sure that it’s appropriate for this data to be shared with your third party tool before setting up the integration.

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