Audience-specific page example

Audience-specific pages can be purchased with a minimum of 10 groups at $30/ea per month (total $300/mo).

As mentioned in the overview article, audience-specific pages allow for end-user-specific status pages and notifications. In this article, we'll take a look at a working multitenancy example.

User creation

For your demo account, create 2 users that share at least 1 component and differ by at least 1 component. In this example, we've already created two users, Russell and Brennan. => [Management Portal, API] => [Management Portal]

Testing user pages

  • Open two separate browsers.

  • In the first browser, navigate to Russell’s status page and authenticate with Russell’s credentials.

screenshot of required authentication


screenshot of multitenancy demo
  • In the second browser, navigate to Brennan’s status page and authenticate with Brennan’s credentials.

screenshot of required authentication
screenshot of multitenancy brennan page
  • Notice that each status page only displays each user's associated components.

Updating status

  • Log in to the management portal.

  • Degrade a component status specific to Russell (API), but not associated with Brennan.

  • Refresh both Rusell and Brennan’s status pages. You'll see that Russell’s page shows degraded performance, but all systems are up for Brennan.

screenshot of multitenancy component update
  • Head back to the incidents section. Create an incident and associate it with the same component as before

  • Refresh both Rusell and Brennan’s status pages. You should see that Russell’s page shows degraded performance along with an open incident at the top of the page, but all systems are up for Brennan.

screenshot of multitenancy incident update
  • Since Russell was only affected by this incident, he also received the incident notification. Brennan, on the other hand, is purposefully left in the dark since the incident did not affect him.

screenshot of multitenancy notification
  • Head back to the incidents section and resolve the first incident

  • Refresh both Rusell and Brennan’s status pages. You should see that both pages show ‘All Systems Operational’, but Russell’s page has a resolved incident within the incident history section.

screenshot of multitenancy history
  • Head back to the incidents section and create an incident associated with a component shared by both Russell and Brennan (Management Portal)

  • Refresh both pages and you should see that both pages show the incident at the top of the page along with their shared component in a degraded state

screenshot of multitenancy shared incident

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