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Organize request types into portal groups

You can group request types to make it easier for customers to find what they need. You’ll need more than one group for groups to appear in the customer portal. Request types that aren't assigned to a group will be hidden from your portal.

You must be a project administrator to organize request types.

To organize request types in a company-managed project:

  1. From your service project, go to Project settings > Portal settings.

  2. Select the Portal Groups tab.

  3. Choose the group you want to add request types to and use the down arrow to open it, or select Create group to create a new group.

  4. Select +Add request form and use the search bar to select an existing request type to add. You can add a request type to more than one group.

    • To hide a request type from your portal, remove it from all portal groups.

  5. Drag and drop request types to rearrange them within your groups.

  6. Drag and drop groups to re-arrange them in your portal.

Find out how to organize request types in a team-managed project.

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